Prayer Requests

Prayer for Those Who Feel Alone


Lord, we have all felt the loss of community during this time. There is the loss of church services, the loss of fellowship groups, and the loss of gatherings of all types. Although technology has helped us stay somewhat connected, there is no substitute for face-to-face meeting and eye-to-eye contact.

You know that some have succumbed to despondency and depression. Others languish in the feeling of isolation and aloneness.

We pray for all who feel the sting of loneliness. We ask that they would know that you will never leave them or abandon them. We ask that in this time of lack of human support that you would be their divine support.

We also ask that You would open our hearts to be more aware of the needs of those around us and to do what we can, whether it’s a phone call, a text, or a note in the mail.

Thank you Lord that during this time of aloneness You can teach us to stand firmly on Your constant love. Thank you that our core sense of self and wholeness comes from You through Christ. 

Thank you God that You will be the light in the darkness of loneliness.

Thank you that Your ultimate work is to bring all of us together as one, united in Jesus.
In the name of Jesus,

Submitted by: Michelle D. Walton 

Damascus MBC Connect Editions