Youth Scripture Memorization Challenge-Key Verse

Philippians 4:13   Illuminated I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.(What does it really mean…)

What God calls you to do, you will have the power to do it. Whatever situation God places you in, you will have the skills and abilities to be successful. No matter how different, difficult, or challenging the situation may be, don’t give up. 


Trust God, be patient, pray and do what you have to do. When you are tired, God will give you strength. When you are frustrated, God will open your understanding. When you are angry, God will bring peace. Never give up. Never say I can’t.  Persevere-keep trying, keep working at it. God loves you. God is with you and you are never alone. 


God will see you through.

Author: Michelle D Walton – Writer/Contributor
Damascus MBC Connect Editions